Audit: a verification based on a set of standards.

But audits are hardly ever straightforward or simply black or white.

ponTisS enables organizations to use audits to demonstrate and improve internal control. Through relevant and reliable audits. ponTisS provides the following audit services.

Pre-audit services

ponTisS assesses the design, existence and/or effectiveness of internal controls to ensure any external financial or operaional audit (such as an ISAE 3000 or 3402) will not result in unexpected findings.

Post-audit services

ponTisS follows up on findings resulting from any external audit by implementing changes to processes and internal controls.

Internal audit

ponTisS supports internal audit departments or functions in all aspects of completing the annual internal audit plan. We perform audits, report to management and discuss findings with external and internal supervisors or auditors when needed.

Do you have a clear picture of your assurance needs?